The World Won't End Today

“...but the end is not yet.” — Matthew 24:6

Some truly believe that today is going to mark the end of the world. Both political parties want us to believe that they alone can stop it. While the results of the election will have consequences, there is One who already knows the result. His words for us are simple, “the end is not yet.”

Jesus is still on the White Throne as Supreme over whoever ends up in the White House. He is coming again one day to take His place as the President over all creation. He won't have to campaign, raise funds, or go through an election, but He will arrive in glory and power as Sovereign over Creation. Then we will see the end of the world as we know it and the recreation of it as it ought to be. But until then,”the end is not yet.”

Just days before His death, Jesus warned His first disciples of the impending doom on their beloved temple. Not one stone would be left upon another (Matthew 24:2). This concerned the disciples so much because they thought that the end of the temple must mean the end of the world. They asked Jesus a number of questions all at once, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (24:3)

Jesus answers their questions with warnings. Jesus warns His disciples that they would encounter false prophets (24:4-5), hear of wars and rumors of wars (24:6), see kingdoms rise and fall, and experience both famines and earthquakes (24:7). All this would affect their small segment of the world. Yet Jesus lets them know, “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains” (24:8).

Jesus describes all of these dramatic events as part of a birthing process. What was happening around them was not a sign of the end, but it was evidence of a pregnancy of purpose. God was at work even when they didn't understand it. The same is true today.

Despite present uncertainties, let Jesus assure you that it is not the end and the world is not spiraling out of control. Rather, God has always birthed something beautiful out of something broken. He brought the Savior through a Virgin woman when there was no room at the inn. That same Child grew up and brought salvation to the world through a brutal death on the cross. Just when all hope seemed lost, women returned from His borrowed tomb with an unbelievable testimony: He lives!

In fact, He still lives. He is still guiding all things toward His glorious purposes. The world, no matter how dark, is still pregnant with God's purpose. No Presidential election can stop the plans of the King of the Universe! He is still bringing good out of evil (see Genesis 50:20, Acts 2:22-24).

No matter how disappointed we may (or may not) be tonight, we'll be right back to “end of the world” predictions again in four years. Yet the answer will still be the same, “the end is not yet.” His return is not up for a vote. His return will be unexpected; no one will know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36-51).

So despite the results, let us not fret but continue on in faithfulness. Let us live in light of prophetic words rather than pundits' predictions. Let us not put our hope for global transformation in a White House, but in our returning King on His White Horse (Revelation 19:11-22:21). Let us press on, confident, that though the end is not yet, the end is still yet. May our hope remain steadfast, “Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!”


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