Deacon Nomination
On Sunday January 21, we looked at God’s Word on Deacons from Acts 6. God has not created deacons to be the punchline to a joke, nor to be the enemy of a thriving and growing church. Biblically, deacons do not exist to sit as leaders over the church, rather they exist to serve in the church. They help to carry the needs of the chuch alongside, and in a different way than, the elders. God has given the church the gift of deacons to help serve needs in the body and to multiply disciples in the world.
I would encourage you to review Pastor Matt’s recent sermon on Deacons. It is available to view HERE.
I am also inviting our church to take three steps in response…
1) Ask questions. I know this is new for everyone. So, I invite everyone with questions to reach and so we can talk about God’s design for the local church. No process canmove forward without the whole body being unified together.
2) Pray. Pray and ask God to unfiy our body and to reveal who might serve as deacons in our body. Read the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and seek God for clarify and wisdom.
3) Nominate. Nominate qualified men and women. Nomination cards will be available Sunday through the end of February.
As nominees are recieved, leadership will take the next steps toward putting forward our first batch of servants to serve the body of Christ. In closing, you can also review the job description for deacons below…
Deacons exist as servants in the body of Christ, not as a decision making body. The job of a deacon (or deaconess) is to…
Live as a faithful servant to Jesus in accordance with the characteristics of 1 Timothy 3:8-13. One cannot be a faithful servant in the church if they are not first a faithful servant of Jesus.
Serve as conduits of care to members and families in the church and beyond. This may include, but is not limited to..
Checking In On Families Within The Church For Spiritual Care and Prayer
Visitation to Home And Hospital Bound
Organizing Food Trains
Organizing Work Days Around the Church
Advising Eldership of Benevolence Needs and Policies
And More!
Serving As a Unifying Influence Through Their Words of Love and Acts of Service