Rescuing The Wanderer (James 5:19-20) When God's People Pray (James 5:13-18) Living In Light Of The End (James 4:13-5:12) Winning The War With Worldliness (James 4:1-12) The Works of Wisdom (James 3:13-18) Watch Your Mouth! (James 3:1-12) Show and Tell! (James 2:14-26) The Prescription For Partiality (James 2:1-13) How Should I respond to God's Word? [Part 2] (James 1:22-27) How Should I Respond To God's Word? (James 1:19-21) Trials and Temptation (James 1:12-18) Discipleship When Life Gets Hard (James 1:5-11) Discipleship in a World of Need (James 1:27) DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR SERMON ON JAMES 1:2-4 “DISCIPLESHIP IN A WORLD OF NEED” CAN ONLY BE FOUND ON THE AUDIO PODCAST From Doubter to Disciple (James 1:1)