Ordo Amoris
“No matter how unpopular it may be to hear, we all order our loves. Because while we are called to serve everyone we neighbors, we cannot possibly serve everyone equally. We were not meant to carry the burdens of the entire world alone. But like the man on the road, we must consider the proximity of who is in front of us. We must order our loves according to God's Word.”
The World Won't End Today
No matter how disappointed we may (or may not) be tonight, we'll be right back to “end of the world” predictions again in four years. Yet the answer will still be the same, “the end is not yet.” His return is not up for a vote. His return will be unexpected; no one will know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36-51).
Lessons from The Judges
The Book of Judges provides perspective for those seeking to walk by faith when the culture feels like it has gone crazy.
There is No Such Thing As Just A Mom
Today, motherhood has been minimized and even demonized, but there truly is nothing more significant. Through mothers, families are formed. Through motherhood, nations are born. Through moms, futures are shaped and redemption is born.
Dirty Feet
If Jesus can cleanse feet who promptly walk away from Him, what about us? Do we really think we can win the world by washing its feet? The problem is that our feet are dirty, and those we are trying to wash refuse to believe they need a bath.
New Thru Ninety
Short term goal with long term transformation. Read the New Testament in 90 Days with us!
Threads and Knots
The Bible is a tapestry of God's grace. At every turn we find threads of promise throughout that meet and form a knot. One of these knots is found in the Old Testament book of Ruth. The book of Ruth brings together at least four threads to form a major knot in the masterpiece of God's story of redemption.
What is Atonement?
Atonement. At-one-ment. A reality so wonderful Tyndale needed to add to the dictionary. A word so important that our eternity depends on it.
What Is Your Life?
What is your life? It is short. It is fragile. It is fleeting. But in the hands of a Sovereign God, even when the mist of the morning fades, life leaves flowers for eternity.
Motherhood Saved The World
Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. - 1 Timothy 2:15 ESV